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We develop and produce Shunt Resistors and Power Resistors.
Company Profile
PCN Corporation contributes to the electronics society through electric current control and the field of high power.
The Power Resistor (High power type) and the Shunt Resistor (Precision type) are our main product families. "Shunt Resistor", which has become an industrial standard product name nowadays, was launched by PCN on the market ahead of other companies. Today we have a wide range of practical product lineup.
Product Introduction
We have a wide variety of resistors in our inventory from shunt resistors for current detection to high-power type resistors.
PCN E-shop
252-0231, 4-3-17, Sagamihara, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa, Japan
 +81 42 776 0931
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